Students of 1990 Batch of Don Bosco, Egmore, Chennai

our mission

To impart education through schools/colleges to the NEEDY AND DESERVING FELLOW STUDENTS of Don Bosco and other institutions.


Financial contributions are welcome to serve the needy and fulfil our mission. Your contributions will be exempted from 80G.
Write to us and we will send you our Bank Details.

Monetary contributions

Account Name: DB 1990 CHARITABLE TRUST
Bank Account : Vijaya Bank, No. 12, Sannadhi Street, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004
Bank Account No: Savings Account No. 302601011001873
IFSC Code: VIJB0003026
MICR Code: 600029006

About The Trust

Students of 1990 Batch of Don Bosco, Egmore, Chennai were keeping in touch among themselves in groups. Few of them came up with the idea of having a 25th year Reunion by reaching out to all the students of the DB90 batch. Accordingly, a small group of friends came together and successfully held the Re-union in the month of June in 2015. It was held in Chennai where all the yester-year teachers including the erstwhile Principal were invited, honoured and felicitated during the occasion in a grand manner.

Around the same time, the idea of forming a Trust by the 1990 batch was brainstormed and few like-minded friends willing to commit time, energy and resources to do some good for our deserving fellow students of Don Bosco institution world-wide resulted in the formation of the DB90 TRUST within a month.

The Founding Trustees are

  • Sujit Tharakan
  • Sunil. Reddy
  • Ron V Thomas
  • Murali Das
  • Raja Gopalan B
  • Kailash Sarda
  • Sylvester Monie
  • C.P. Vikas Nair

To impart education through schools / colleges

To provide scholarship & nutrition facilities to students.

To help deserving teachers and students in cash or in kind